Friday, February 12, 2010

Some new beads


  1. OMG!! Those are fabuous - if the one with the turquoise dots hasn't been sold yet - hold it for me. Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!!

    Hugs and chat soon.


  2. Aww, you will not believe it! It was 'mine'. But today one of my repeat customers came to the shop, saw it on my work area and grabbed it. She is from the UK but visits SA every few weeks for a work thing, and since she discovered our shop, always pops in to buy something. Today she bought a lot!!!
    Anyway, you have good taste, and if you want, I can make you a similair one. (I remembered the colour combo I used, lol)

  3. Just my luck :-)) She has good taste. Something similar would be great. Told Ant he had better get my other kiln sorted - I'm itching to play again. :-))


  4. Ah Michelle, now that is the best news ever!
    I will play this week, and let u know, ok?
