Monday, July 13, 2009

Gift time!

I am so excited about my candle sticks, and want to share it with you wonderful guys! So, here is the deal:

Comment about the candle stick, what you plan to do with it, what colours your beads will be, what ever. I will keep this open for about 48 hours, and then make my choice of who gets it!
I will publish the winner in a new post, and request the winner to supply me with their postal information. Easy peasy, right?


  1. I loved your finished candle sticks

    I would use a variety of pink and black beads and place the candle stick on the mantle piece in my main room so everyone could see it

  2. Oooh, I love these, too!

    My colors would be a mix of blues (turquoise, light blues) and greens (any). It would get a prominent location in my home as a piece of art...

  3. How sweet of you to do this, Diana! I was thinking about yours candlesticks the other day but never told you how wonderful I thought they were!

    Well, I'd probably do something wildly organic, off-mandrel leafy things and tentacles in a transparent green, like the ones in my blog background. Maybe give them some eyes, too, and a mouth, giving the impression it can come alive any a green man or woman!

    It would probably find its way to my Mom's winter garden, a veranda with milk white windows. :-)

  4. I think I would do teals, purples, blacks, and ivorys and put it in the den in the new house on the mantle piece of the fireplace. :love: Angelique_Redhead

  5. What a wonderful idea, Diana! I would use a variety of my prized beads. These are beads that I've purchased from others over the years and this would be a great way to display them. The colors would be reds and blacks to go with the color scheme of my kitchen and, the candlestick would be displayed proudly on my dining room table where folks would see it every day!

    What a great work of art!

  6. Cool giveaway, Diana! It's so wonderful of you to share your great base pieces with someone else!

    I would have to break out some dark ivory and make two graceful goddess figures, maybe with them reaching arms upward to hold the lighted candles.

  7. I would create beads representing loved ones I've lost, and use this for the candles I light when I want to feel close to them again.

  8. i would probably use greens and put it in my living room :)

  9. I love both the candlesticks and the teapot.
    The colours I would use for a candlestick would be ivory and black with silvered glass highlights and it would go in pride of place on my mantlepiece for all to see.

  10. what a lovely thing to do your candlesticks are fab !!

    I would like to stretch my sculptural bead making abilities and use beads as a base to pull out tendrils from, make a little fairytale, elvish sculpture between the candlestick elements colours would have to be dreamy ones to go with the theme and contrast against the candlestick.

    What would i do with it ? Hmm well I love candles so I would be sorely tempted to keep it in my home where I could look at it but I think I would give it to my best friend who would absolutely adore something like that and then it would spread the smilies around :)

  11. I love your candle sticks.

    I'd like to buy some and make some Christmas color schemed beads to complete them as a gift for my mom.

  12. the top of my head I can think of two possibilities to fill the candle stick. The first thing I see is a study in black. Etched black, shiny black, mixed. Just black on black on black. Could be very striking. The second idea that comes to mind is a series of sculptural beads that tell a story, along the lines of a totem pole, but not with Native American images, using instead either a fairy tale of somesort or an orignal story. Thanks for the opportunita to stretch my mind =)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. If I win I'd place it on my kitchen table and immediately put on a collection of my funny/funky newbie beads. When I make a new bead that surpasses in beauty/roundness/technical excellence one that is already on the candlestick, I'd replace the old one with the new one! This will give me positive reinforcement of my lampworking efforts because practice, practice, practice really does cause improvement. Also friends and family will be able to comment (constructive criticism) about the latest additions to the collection. Eventually I'll have a stunning array of "show off" beads. Who knows, they may eventually have a matching theme...

    I love the finished candlesticks!

    Sorry about the technical difficulties with first post.

    Marina Bonaventura

  15. I've been watching your wonderful work through Ang's blog.

    What fabulous & innovative ideas you have for new ways to use use beads - taking them out of the realm of wearable & into truly functional art that can been seen & used in every day items.
    I love it!

    Since I have been back on my Tribal style bead kick lately, I would have to expand on that what I have been doing using warm earthy sienna's, ochres, black & ivory, including some small subtle sculptural pieces in an African style totem.

  16. I love those candle stick holders, they are wonderful!! And what a generous giveaway! I don't know which beads I'd use, I like the thought of mixing lampwork with PMC. I'd probably change it often.....and then I'd have candlelit dinners every night :-)) Good luck with your wonderful art work! Julie xx
