The other day I told the girls on Lampworketc about our plastic samoosas (and of course the jummy real samoosas!) and promised them that I would do a tutorial on the plastic samoosa. I always carry a few of these in my bag, recycling plastic carrier bags.
You know how much space a bunched up plastic bag (or even a folded up bag) can take up. By folding the bag into a neat little samoosa, you can save a lot of space for all the other essentials in your bag!
So, here is the shopping bag ...

Fold it in half length wise ...

and fold it again ...

Now comes the tum part, lol. Fold a small triangle in the base of the bag. Smooth the line with your fingers.

And fold the little triangle again ...

carry on folding the bag into the triangle shape, keeping the folds tight.

Some more folding, lol.

and the second last fold.

Here I fold a little angle on the last bit, so that the plastic can fold in smoothly into the slit.

Fold the samoosa on last time ...

Now all you need to do, is to tuck that little bit of plastic into one of the previously folded areas. I open the area with my fingers, and tuck the last bit into it.

I press down on the last fold, make sure that the bit is fitting into the samoosa neatly.

And that is it! You have just made your first Plastic Samoosa! Now go out, save nature, and recycle!